April‘s top dog of the month is Moto! A.k.a.: Mr. handsome. He is a 11-year-old red husky. He exercised with K9 Sprinter for his first time in April, 2022. Some of his favorite pastimes include dogsledding. Dogsledding allows Moto to be a part of the dog sledding team and contributing his part of goofiness where it is always needed.

Moto loves to show his enthusiasm and goofiness by jumping off the ground and bouncing off your chest. He also loves to headbutt others, just to keep them guessing.

He loves any kind of treats including carrots. Somedays, Moto doesn’t feel the best due to his brain tumor but living in the moment and one day at a time keeps him always moving forward.

He exercises on the slat mill at a speed between 5.4 to 8.7 MPH.

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